Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 2 with Prozac

After two months on being down and miserable, and after comments from work colleagues I went to the doctors on Monday 14th January 2008 and told him I thought I was depressed. We discussed reasons and options to consider. I did not want time off work because I thought it would make me worse. I did not want pills - I did not want to appear with a permanent grin on my face. The prospect of counselling appealed more but there was a waiting list. I opted for pills plus counselling. I took my first Prozac yesterday. Its Wednesday today and I thought it might be good to record my thoughts and progress here.

How did I get here - no surprise if I say divorce, work situation, mid life crisis - the usual stuff. I have had bouts of depression before but not as long as this one. Time to shake it off and start living again.

Initial thoughts on Prozac (first taken on Tuesday 15th) were a tingling in the ears soon after the first one yesterday. Felt OK afterwards. In the evening felt a bit whoosie. Had a glass of cider and a meal. Felt very bloated though even though I am careful with my diet (avoid gluten, dairy and soya).

Wednesday 16th awoke with a back ache and an upset stomach. Got to admit I don't feel as sad today as on Monday. One of my colleagues about my age also has a bad back - we compare notes.

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