Monday, January 21, 2008

First Teaching Day

Students are back after Christmas break and I taught for 4 hours from 9-13.00. Enjoyed it I must admit. Sunk a little bit this afternoon after the initial euphoria.

People tell me that once you have taken Prozac for 3 weeks you get to a level rather than the ups and downs i seem to be experiencing now. Felt a bit whoosie mid morning and this is still with me - its about 2.40pm.

I need to spend some time sorting out finances in preparation for a settlement of my divorce. I have been putting this of for a while. I heard on the radio this morning that today is the worst day of the year for depression - dull skies and Christmas credit card bills being the main culprits. Hey things have to get better.

Its hard to motivate yourself sometimes. Told more people I was on Prozac today.

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